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วันอังคารที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Behind the scenes of beauty

Behind the scenes of beauty

The white marble mausoleum, “Taj Mahal” was built on 42 acres along the Muna River in India and it’s known as the legend of love from Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The love story of Taj Mahal was begin when the emperor Shah Jahan who’s always look solemnly and full of sorrow, had met a girl name Arjumand Banu Begum” which they get married after fall in love with each other instantly and the girl later on was known as Mumtaz Mahal. Even since, the emperor Shah Jahan married with Mumtaz Mahal he became a cheerful person and he’s no longer look solemn anymore. They given birth to 14 children and Mumtaz Mahal became beloved among the citizen because she was a good person and so as a good wife. However she died due to sickness during the return from Dehk Khan with her husband. The emperor was so sad that he couldn’t eat nor sleep, all he does is mourning to his wife who has passed away. He decided to build a memorial monument for Mumtaz Mahal which the name of the monument came after his wife name, it’s called Taj Mahal. During the construction of Taj Mahal, the emperor called the best architecture, engineer and artist from all around the place add up to 20,000 people to help him built Taj Mahal. It’s used 22 years to finish the construction and used 45 million rupees for this building. The monument was built from white marble which in the centre there is a white dome 72 meters height and surround by a wall made from Laterite. The entry door located on the laterite floor which has a pond made from white marble and grows many kind of flower around the entry door. The body’s of Mumtaz Mahal was laid down on the lotus podium and the coffin was craving from the white marble in beautiful picture. The story was remember as a romantic love story, still the background of Taj Mahal came from the blood of many lives similar to the famous building such as Pyramid in Egypt. The truth is that the emperor orders 20,000 men to work on Taj Mahal and force them to finish it in the given time; if they could not make it then they will be executed. However, even they manage to finish Taj Mahal the emperor still order them to be executed so that they cannot build any other beautiful building in other place.  In the end the emperor plan to build another one of Taj Mahal but change the material to black marble, but his son afraid that his father going to used all the money from the castle on the second Taj Mahal so he lock up his father in the tower where his father can see Taj Mahal and then he make himself as a new emperor.        

