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วันอังคารที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Light and Architecture

Light and Architecture

With all 5 physical senses, they allow human to see, to hear, to scent, to taste and to touch. How can we see? The answer is not only just having eyes but also, it requires “light”. So, we hardly argue that light is very important for surviving. Later on, the meaning of surviving wasn’t only capability to see foods or to avoid enemies but consume the meaning of human’s aesthetical creations, such as arts, literature and so on. From the very first purpose of light in ancient architecture, it allowed us to see properly. As mentioned, there is something more than a physical explanation. Since human try to answer where dose light come from, and yes, it comes from the sun. The appreciation of light turned into worshiping it and shows how grateful we are towards the sun; there was/were god and goddess. This might be the beginning of lighting in architecture beside only just to see things. An obvious example in the history is shown in the worshiping places, religious places or to be more specific, the Christian church. They say the light is lit by god from heaven and when you die, walk into the light and you will find god(s). As a consequence, light is matter to the Christian as much as the symbolic of heaven. That makes most of the Christian architectures contain lighting design from extremely tall drums of the domes, rose windows, which offer the colors of light, or even from the early clerestory in basilicas. Architectures, consider since the ancient Roman period, serve more for people’s needs so lighting is a good company that functioning with the building itself. Light convince our eye sights to see and understand the purpose of each building. In this case, I would like to show 2 difference Christian churches in 2 places, and 2 different periods of time but include 1 same important element that represents the spirit of Christianity.

