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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Comparison Between Le Cabusier and Kurt Schewitters

In the early 18th century, Charles-Eduard Jeanneret Gris or commonly known as Le Corbusier and Kurt Hermann Eduard Karl Julius Schwitters, were the two people who are inspiring many artists and architects in the following generation. They both were born in the 1987 and became famous during WWI and WWII. Although Kurt Schwitters and Le Corbusier have a similarity; they both worked on sculptures and paintings but Le Corbusier works are more likely to focus into architecture more. One of Le Corbusier’s great invention is the “Domino house” which is a model of an open floor plan consisted of concrete slabs and supported by minimal numbers of thin reinforced concrete columns around the edges. Along with a staircase that provides access to each level on one side of the floor plan. This piece of work is the basic foundation for most of his architectural works for the next ten year. In the completely opposite way, one of Kurt Schwitters’s work is the “Merz Building” which he used wastes to decollated his studio in a handover as a concept of Merz; that he made the provocative statement that "one can use waste materials to shout out loud". In my opinion, Merz building is not really a piece of architectural work, but more likely a reinvention of an original architectural space. Therefore I came into the conclusion that  Kurt Schwitters and Le Corbusier have things in common about here career but they focus on the different applied art techniques but Schwitters’s works focus more into sculture forms while Le Corbusier’s works focus more on architectural form.
Dom-ino House- Le Cabusier

Le Cabusier
Merz Building- Kurt Schewitters
Kurt Schewitters

