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วันพุธที่ 9 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Regionalism in term for architecture, it typically denotes an architecture that is derived from its local setting. Unlike most universally designed post-World War II architecture (thick glass office buildings, shopping centers, and tract homes), an architecture derived from a regionalism concept becomes inherently site specific, responding to the local climate and culture.
However due to the internationally based economy, the material that used for construction can be from across an ocean as well as from down the street, nevertheless making regionalism architecture is more like aesthetic style emulating the local environment more than an architect that constructed of regional materials. The example can be show in Wang Shu. As we can see in his architectural works, modernity is the category for his design, in my opinion, but also he never leaves the critical regionalism or the concern for his locality. I have to admit that i never visit one of his works so I cannot judge about how accurate there are in terms of functions. However in this stage, I trust the mature architect. I can only decide from the external looks which have the great impact to the locality. Materials, elements, structures, colors, all of them can make people sense the scent of Chinese and out boring at all. I assumed that he must concern a lot how to balance the conservative with traditional issue and the modern worlds’ requirements for architecture.

Complex form but not random

Sagrada Familia

Guggenheim Museum
Complex form but not random
A large building that has complex form usually becomes well-known. However, that does not mean it can be considered as a good building. “Sagrada Famillia” or “The Temple of the Sacred family” by Antoni Gaudi is one of the largest buildings that have a complex form. Even though, at first, I thought the shape of the Sagrada Famillia looks a quite randomly created but actually it has a symmetrical form and the concept of astonishing temple which Guadi took the shape out of the pattern of drifting water as an inspiration.  Structure in the Sagrada Famillia such as the beams columns system are all perfectly designed to pass the force down to the basement system by using the symmetry arches and vaults. Due to the concept of the design, Sagrada Famillia does bring the feeling of astonishment and subliminally matter. The designs of every part in Sagrada Famillia all have meanings. Even though the columns at the entrance, they have statues forms of a lion and eagle gives this building like a catholic church that has Barcelona church. Compare to the Guggenheim Museum by Frank Gehry that also has a complex form, but it does not really bring out any strong feeling like Sagrada Famillia does. The concept of the Guggenheim Museum comes from a squeezed piece of paper in Frank Gehrry’s hand. He claimed that the reason he used a squeezed paper as the concept because he wanted to make one piece of junk into a well known mega structure which can support the community’s business activity. However, in my perspective, it still sounds randomly created in some sense. The form of the structure make it seems like Frank Gehry didn’t plan the structure before the construction. Including the Guggenheim Museum do not represent its function or building use. From the exterior look, it cannot be told that it is a museum. Although, it did improve the economical activity in the surrounding area, but, for architects’ responsibility, it is still considered as unattractive project.



Baroque architecture is a result of the development form from Renaissance architecture. Since the boredom of the same old style in the renaissance architectures’ perfection, Baroque period they established more complex and playful movement of light, shade and shadow. As in renaissance period, most of the buildings have symmetrical and geometrical form with bright color marble surface. Baroque style transforms those elements to be more curvy, bent and oval shape to give new dynamic feelings.  However, Baroque still strictly focused on religious meanings therefore the symmetrical form was still remained. For example, the Palace of Versailles in France where the architects were using the effect of light to make the entrance became more luxurious and powerful. Also the shapes of the windows are different such as the window at the entrance is a tall arched shape but windows on the side of the building used rectangle shape. Including the high decoration and the effects of light and shadow make this building became really magnificent. Compare to the St. Peter Basilica in Vatican City, the building is a most well known as a holiest church that ever built. Yet, the structure was influenced by Renaissance architectural style which we can easily seen that every side of the building looks the same. Also, there is not any of the building part that stands out than the others, no light or shadow; so it can give to expression of plain and boredom.    
Versille Palace
St. Peter Basilica

Renaissance Architecture

Renaissance architecture was a development from Gothic architecture which demonstrated the elements from ancient Greek and Roman. The form of the structure during Renaissance period was represented by symmetrical and geometrical form, proportion of a human scale and meanings of Christianity. One of the demonstrations is the Basilica Santa Maria Novella, Venice, Italy which was influenced by Renaissance architecture.  The exterior form of Santa Maria is symmetry on the plan and elevations, as well as the interior that both sides are symmetry. Doors and windows also have geometric form such as rectangle or a shape that combined of geometrical form. The structure of the building such as Corinthian columns also has an inspiration from classical element of Greek and Roman era. Also it is based on human proportion and paved by white marble material. Inside the church, there is a treasured art works storage and tomb chamber.  This can be seen in the Parthenon, Rome also, which the interior ornamented elements create an illusion effect in the perspective view that makes people see the ceiling under the dome higher than it actually is.

Parthenon Rome
Santa Maria Basilica