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วันอังคารที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554


                                                PROJECT PARK 51
There has been an issued between the leader of an Islamic group and the American society over the project of “Park  51” ,The Cordoba , an Islamic community center which is going to build nearby the ground zero where the tragedy  of 9/11 took place. The reason of the argument is because people were upset to have an Islamic church close to where many life of American citizen had died from the Islamic action. Including, they believe it to be disrespect to the family and the soul of the people who have died in 9/11 as well, therefore the government was tried to get the project “Park 51” to relocation. However, as for my belief by moving project “Park 51” doesn’t going to make the issue end, since each side both thinks weather each decision had deiced it’s will never be a fare decision. It wills just going to make each people become more outrage. As some had people said that “Nazis don’t have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust Museum in Washington. We would never accept the Japanese putting up a site next to Pearl Harbor. But then there are people from America living in Japan where many Japanese lives have to die in Hiroshima during WWI which cause from American people as well. In my opinion, the Islamic have the right to located project “Park 51” if they actually own the property of the land. However they can change the design of the Cordoba not to be to Islamic since it is considering as a community center, it should build to be more modernize and more international.  In addition, the Islamic should also have a memorial to show respect to the people who have died in 9/11, by doing so, it’s going to create sympathy to each other.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Byzantine or Early Christian

Byzantine or Early Christian 

Of course there are many definition and theory about each specific era in the history but there are always many problems to identify the exact boundary between each period. The physical appearance might be the easiest move to begin with. As the Early Christian period was introduced, this introduction leads to Byzantines’ development after AD 330 when Constantine established the Imperial capital at Byzantium or today known as Constantinople.

Noticeable appearance has been seen from a dome on the Greek-cross square base, which is not a new innovative structure, but the sense of the eastern influence. Around the time, new styles combined with the olds were emerged. We can see less of Greek-Roman classical order in most famous e Byzantine architecture. Hagia Sofia is one of the significant architecture of this period. It shows the quality and perfection of mathematical engineering that impressed contemporary architectures. The measurement and mathematics started to get over the emotive qualities. However, not only the change of location that interprets the architectural forms but also the change of definition in terms of beauty. Also, more than gigantic structure was used but, then, the lighting design was provided into the buildings’ aesthetic consideration. Subsequently, this period, Byzantine, had introduced at least one new element into the Church’s importance, which is the “light from heaven” to lift up Christians’ spirits even more.
Hagia Sophia, Contantinople

Classical Order, Pantheon
Hagia Sophia, Interior

วันอังคารที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Does the building in the modern day follow the Vitruvius principle?

Does the building in the modern day follow the Vitruvius principle?

According to Vitruvius, a good building should have three certain principles which are Durability, Utility and Beauty. Then the can break down into, Order, Arrangement, Eurhythmy, Symmetry, Propriety, and Economy. An example of a good building following this principle is the Temple of Parthenon. The temple is well-known as it was designed by using mathematical equation to create eurhythmy. Every podium in the Temple of Parthenon was arranged to create a symmetrical shape and represented to the brave spirit of Greek people.  Comparing to a modern building such as Guggenheim museum by Frank Gehry, the building have nothing according to the Vitruvius principle of design. It has no symmetrical order neither arranging order nor propriety. The concept of Guggenheim museum came from a piece of squeezed paper in Frank Gehry’s hand. However the building was famous because of its role. The magnificent that it provides is an abstraction which is people in the modern day pay attention to. Therefore people believe in creativity and none alike. Still, there are some buildings in the modern days that follow the Vitruvius principle and become popular such as World Trade Centre with its outstanding height.